Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland 18th January 2019 On Wednesday, January 16th, I supported Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland’s petition to bring Thrombectomy Operations back to Scotland. Scotland is the only part of... Senedd News
Standing Up Against the Financial Minister’s Budgeting Strategy 18th January 2019 On Wednesday 16th January, I questioned The Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Economy, and Fair Work, Derek McKay, about his budgeting plans which have the... Senedd News
20/02 This Week in Parliament 27th February 2017 On Monday I held a surgery in Banchory where I spoke with constituents about issues facing the Northeast, including continued opposition to the proposed SSE... Senedd NewsHolyrood News
30/01 This Week in Parliament 9th February 2017 On Monday we welcomed Transport Minister Humza Yousaf to Aberdeen for a public meeting regarding the AWPR. It was a well-attended event with many questions put... Senedd NewsHolyrood NewsSpeeches
SSE Pylons Debate 8th February 2017 As you may know, National Grid has just published a new Networks Options Assessment (NOA) report which recommended that the project should not proceed. This is... Senedd NewsHolyrood NewsSpeeches
23/01 This Week in Parliament 30th January 2017 On Monday I met with the Western Aberdeenshire Pylon Action group, who gave a presentation on the SSE pylons. On Tuesday I attended a meeting of the Environment... Senedd NewsHolyrood NewsSpeeches
09/01 This Week In Parliament 16th January 2017 On Monday I met with Jo Robinson, the Visit Scotland Regional Director for Aberdeenshire, to discuss growing tourism in the region. On Tuesday I attended a... Senedd NewsHolyrood NewsSpeeches