Constituent 60 Second Survey Your local Scottish Conservative and Unionist team are carrying out a short survey of local opinion so we know which issues you would like us to focus on.
Save North East Swimming Pools Calling on the Scottish Government to provide Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City Councils ring fenced funding for swimming pools and leisure centres to reverse the...
Constituent Street Survey Huntly Alexander Burnett MSP and your local Scottish Conservative and Unionist team are carrying out a short survey of local opinion so we know which issues you would...
Constituent Street Survey Alexander Burnett MSP and your local Scottish Conservative and Unionist team are carrying out a short survey of local opinion so we know which issues you would...
Aberdeenshire West Survey This year I have dealt with thousands of concerns due to the impact the cost of living crisis and cuts to local authority budgets has had on your livelihoods...
Nominate Your Local Hero Scottish Conservative MSP Alexander Burnett is calling for constituents in Aberdeenshire West to nominate a Local Hero to secure a coveted place at the...
SmearForSmear I am glad to support Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust and the #SmearForSmear campaign. It is vital that every woman knows how to reduce their risk of cervical cancer...
Disabled Toilet Access I am currently trying to aid a campaign that will bring greater awareness to the National Key Scheme where disabled people can apply for a key that will unlock...
Save Bennachie Protecting our landmarks is important, which is why I fully support the Save Bennachie Campaign. The campaign is aimed at preserving the beauty of Bennachie...
Electric Dog Collars I am pleased to support my colleague, Maurice Golden MSP, in his campaign to ban electric shock collars and am happy to report that they have since been banned...
Lyme Disease I am proud to support The Tick-borne Illness Campaign Scotland and fully back their aim to achieve better treatment for patients in Scotland with Lyme Disease...
Stronger Families - Say No2NamedPerson "I oppose the Scottish Government's plan to assign a 'Named Person' to every child in Scotland because it undermines families and diverts resources from children who need them." Sign the petition here at: